Which yes that means he is still not sleeping through the night....after 8 months of waking every 2 1/2 hours....Mama Bear is insanely tired. But hopefully soon he will decide he wants to start sleeping through the night. lol
Baby Bear is now an expert in crawling. He low crawls everywhere. And he can move really fast. ha ha ha He can push himself up to his knees, and pull himself into a standing position as well. And today he figured out how to push himself up to a sitting position. I think Mama Bear is in big trouble. lol It seems that I need to lower his crib bed now. ;0( He is getting way to big.
We pretty much have the house all set up now. Just a few things that need organizing, or need to find a new home. But the house is looking really good. I just need to clean it. It has become a little messy lately with Papa Bear being all broke and on crutches from injuring his knee at work, and mama bear pretty much trying to do it all. But hey the fort is still standing for now. lol
Baby Bear has had a few Dr. appointments lately and we are really trying to figure out how to get this little guy to gain some weight. He is8 months old and weighs 13 lbs. He is still in #1 diapers, and is still wearing 0-3 month clothing. He really is my tiny little guy. And as much as I love my little snuggle bug....he needs to gain a little weight. I mean just last weekend he had a bigger girl hugging and kissing him so much he couldn't push her away. My poor bear needs to get some weight and muscle so he can defend himself from all the girls. ha ha ha
His latest appointment was with a nutritionist. She went through a large list of questions asking me all sorts of things about what I feed baby bear and how much. She rattled off a huge list of foods asking me if I ever gave it to him. Most of them I answered no to as I wasn't about to give my bear butter, and sour cream. Once her questionnaire was over...she told me I should be letting him have these things.....and that I HAVE to let him play with his food. So far I had struggled to get him to eat just a little bit of solids, and to keep him semi clean. She told me I needed to let him really play with it. I knew she was right and all her points were valid. I mean how else is he supposed to understand what everything is like if he doesn't feel it? tastes and textures are so interesting. But for Mama Bear this is Uber tuff for me to allow and I hate the mess!!
But I allowed it last night. He ate tuna with mayo, cheerios, peas and corn, cheese, and pickles. He ate a little more than normal, but nothing to get wowed over. And he was a messy boy!
This morning for breakfast Mama Bear made him pancakes with apples and bananas in them. also cheerios, oranges and bananas, and oatmeal with pears. He gobbled it up and made an insane mess!
He took quite a bit of washing in the tub before he was clean again. ha ha But once he was sloshed around a little.....my baby bear was all squeaky clean again.
This afternoon we had another Dr.'s appointment for Baby bear that went great, and then we swung by the country store on base to get some big boy foods....or in other words......crackers, noodles, cottage cheese, juice, and some baby food. lol when we got home Papa Bear had said he was on his way home....so sat Baby bear in his high chair again once he was all stripped down to his diaper, and fed him peas and corn, carrots, cheerios, crackers, goldfish baby crackers, cheese, and pears with oatmeal. He gobbled it up and I don't think I have ever seen him eat so dang much. we cleaned him up a little, and played for a bit. Papa Bear made fajitas and we sat down for dinner in the evening. Baby Bear joined us for a snack of Peach cobbler, crackers, cheerios, and cheese. Also he tried pasta in cheese sauce, but wasn't really a fan of it. But he sure loved the peaches. lol
That is all for now, I need to get to bed.
XoXo-Andrea Carla
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