July 17, 2010

Lament by Maggie Stiefvater

Last year when I went to the book signing for the 5th book in the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage, I hung back at the end of the line to let all the kids get their books signed first. While I was waiting I was talking to the woman who was running the event and she asked me what I was currently reading. I told her the Wicked Lovely series which I was really enjoying. Her face lit up and she said if you like that series, then you will love Lament and Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater. She ran and got one of the books, and I took a pic of it so I could find it when I wanted to buy it. She said it was really good, and about Fey.

So now I just got around to reading it and I have to say it was pretty good. Now the writing style wasn't great. Some of it I just rolled my eyes at because it was so lame? It just seemed like the person writing didn't have to much experience with it. It was cheesy at times with the descriptions. But the story line itself was pretty good. It was slow to get started, but once you got into it...it turned out really good. I couldn't sleep one night and so was up all night reading from start to finish. lol

I recommend this book, as it was fun and entertaining.

XoXo-Andrea Carla

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