Have you ever had a fantastic idea or dream, but the odds of getting the funds, or means to make this dream come true were slim to none, so you gave up? I have.... Do you remember having your dreams crushed when you were younger, because a parent or bank account didn't think your idea was worth investing or wasting money on? I think most people can answer yes to that......But today I read about a couple of teenagers who have very creatively found a way to make their dreams come true. They are asking the public, and celebrities to help, and It is so cheap and easy....I think it is worth it. I mean really it is only $10 How many times have you wasted that small of a sum on candy, food, soda, a lame movie??? And these kids have given you the opportunity to have your name attached to their project. It's genius!!!
Here is the article I read on the Wonder Wall today:.....
Jude Law backs teen effort to fund film The Associated Press, February 26, 2010
Related: News, Jude Law
NEW YORK (AP) -- Their movie isn't out yet — or even made — but three teenage filmmakers already have video promotions from Jude Law and Stephen Fry.
"Now more than ever it's incredibly difficult to get a film funded even if you've been doing it for years and have a good track record," Law says in the video he shot for Adrian Bliss, Ben Robbins and Toby Stubbs, who discovered "Clovis Dardentor," an 1896 novel by Jules Verne, and decided to make a movie of the comic story about two friends who try to get adopted by a wealthy man.
Jude Law backs teen effort to fund film The Associated Press, February 26, 2010
Related: News, Jude Law
NEW YORK (AP) -- Their movie isn't out yet — or even made — but three teenage filmmakers already have video promotions from Jude Law and Stephen Fry.
"Now more than ever it's incredibly difficult to get a film funded even if you've been doing it for years and have a good track record," Law says in the video he shot for Adrian Bliss, Ben Robbins and Toby Stubbs, who discovered "Clovis Dardentor," an 1896 novel by Jules Verne, and decided to make a movie of the comic story about two friends who try to get adopted by a wealthy man.
"No matter how passionate you are, or how good your film could be, it's still a monumental struggle to get the money together. What could make it harder is if you're a teenager like Adrian, Toby and Ben who found a forgotten Jules Verne novel in the British library and they knew instantly they wanted to make it into a film," says Law, speaking alone on camera with a "Sherlock Holmes" sign behind him.
Determined to become filmmakers, the trio hatched their plan during their final year in a London secondary school. But Stubbs, 18, says they knew they had to find a creative way get funding.
"We knew we couldn't just go around to these studios and ask for money because of our age, because we were even younger back then, a year ago," he says.
"Well, we did try, didn't we? We called up. It was, 'No, no. Sorry.' And then they hung up," Bliss, 19, adds.
So, they used the Internet, social networking and a bit of bluster to get their production off the ground. Many people have turned to micro-financing to launch record albums or films, employing the Internet as a fundraising tool. But Stubbs, Bliss and Robbins found a way to involve celebrities.
"We thought about it and thought what could we sell to
people that there are lots of in a film and that's when credits came up," Stubbs says. "Everyone wants to see their names on the end credits of a film."
The result is
http://www.buyacredit.com, which sells end credits for $10 a name. Stubbs, Bliss and Robbins, 19, are also selling advertising space on the site. The teens, who need $2 million, say they have already raised about $150,000.
"Essentially, you can be a movie producer and see your name on the end credits of a film knowing that you've helped to make it happen," Law says in the video, which was made available to The Associated Press. "The aim
of the project is to provide a window into the world of movies and to show ... a real-time 'making of' through the Web site, blogs, YouTube and Twitter."
Larger donors are offered set visits and even cameo roles.
Fry has already appeared in a 10-minute film the three produced called "Jam" and will have the lead role of the wealthy Mr. Eustache in "Clovis Dardentor." Fry says he "admired in an amused manner the chutzpah, determination and the charm of these three young fellows in their determination to get into the movie business this way."
The teens landed Fry after sending dozens of tweets to his Twitter page.
"I clicked on their site and I thought, 'Oh, that's very sweet and very clever. So, I re tweeted it and drew other people's attention to it and Adrian, who's sort of the leader of the gang, he got in touch with me to thank me and his way of thanking me was asking for more favors."
Fry also appears in a video on the teens' Web site and asked friends such as Sir Ian McKellen and Rowan Atkinson to offer their backing as well.
Law got involved after Bliss talked him up outside a London theater.
"When we found out that he was in London doing 'Hamlet,' ... we thought, 'Well, there's a chance to try and contact him,'" Bliss says. "So I ... waited outside the stage door for him to come in and I met him there and I told him about the project ... and he was really interested and that's how we sort of got his support from the start."
The teens say Law was soon giving advice. He looked over their script, offered to make the video and hired his own camera crew to shoot while doing publicity for the film "Sherlock Holmes," in which he played Watson to Robert Downey Jr.'s Holmes.
They hope Law's pitch will resonate with wannabe producers so the young filmmakers can reach their $2 million goal.
I have already added my name....Will you? And just think.....Why not? You are doing something great for a few kids who will never forget you. This will be the biggest thing in their life, that they will forever remember. Why not help them make this an Epic Success, instead of a huge failure?!!! Here is the website once again....I hope you go and at least consider it!!! www.buyacredit.com
Love you all
XoXo-Andrea Carla